A new study by the American Consumer Institute, discusses the dangers of over regulating e-cigarettes and vaping products, given their relative safety.
Titled, “How Regulations Endanger the Public Health A Review of the Evidence on E-Cigarette Risks and Benefits, and Policy Missteps,” the report highlights the fact that vaping products are relatively safer than their combustible counterparts whilst referring to the empirical evidence surrounding the topic.
Co-authored by Steve Pociask and Liam Sigaud, the paper emphasizes that besides being relatively safer, the products are even more effective than other nicotine-based smoking cessation treatments in getting smokers to quit cigarettes.
The authors go on to explain that due to these reasons, regulating the products excessively not only ignores the prevailing scientific consensus on health risks, but also sends the wrong message to the public and deters smokers from switching to safer alternatives, whilst pushing formerly smoking vapers back to smoking.
“This report provides much-needed clarity on an issue of profound importance for public health,” wrote the publishers in a press release accompanying the report. “As the authors note, ‘informed by rigorous research, the U.S. can better chart a responsible course that encourages smokers to seek safer substitutes and quit, while protecting our youth from the dangers of tobacco products.’”
Vaping Works. International Best Practices: United Kingdom, New Zealand, France and Canada
In line with this report, a recent 59-page white paper discussing case studies conducted in several countries to measure smoking cessation-related progress, has shown that those following the WHO’s strict anti-vaping guidance, keep
struggling with higher smoking rates.
Titled “Vaping Works. International Best Practices: United Kingdom, New Zealand, France and Canada,” the publication was released by the Property Rights Alliance. It consisted of four respective case studies by Christopher Snowdon (Institute of Economic Affairs, the UK), Louis Houlbrooke (New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union, New Zealand), Patrick Coquart (IREF, France), and Prof Ian Irvine (Concordia University, Canada), and confirmed what public health experts have been pointing out all along.
“Countries applying progressive Tobacco Harm Reduction policies are enjoying a significant fall in smoking rates. Whereas those following the World Health Organization’s guidance continue to experience excessive smoking-related illnesses and deaths,” said the Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA).
CAPHRA Executive Coordinator Nancy Loucas, said that thankfully the release of this significant data coincided with the WHO’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) which held its infamous COP9 session in November. “Ultimately, this paper proves countries that embrace vaping, such as France, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Canada, have witnessed a decrease in smoking rates that is twice as fast as the global average,” she said.