An increasing number of calls are being heard for vapes to only be available in plain packaging, recently one from Leeds city councillors drew a response from trade body the UK Vaping Industry Association. Those making the calls claim it is to disincentivise young people from trying ecigs, but experts point out it equates vaping to smoking and puts off adults tobacco users from switching.
Leeds council
Dan Cohen, one of Leeds’ councillors, believes that current packaging of vapes is a clear indication that companies market their products to young people. They’re “unambiguously designed to attract young people”, he said.
The UK Vaping Industry Association’s response
John Dunne, director general of UKVIA, said that the sale of vapes are already governed by age-restricted legislation in the same way that many other products are governed, such as glue, paints, and bleach – and yet there are no calls to have them adopt plain packaging.
“The answer is not to ban any category of vape device and deny adult smokers and vapers effective choices,” John Dunne said.
John believes that plain packaging threatens to impact high smoking, low-income areas the most. Rather than plain packaging, he suggests the government should look at fines for selling to children and ensure they are “severe enough” so they act as a deterrent to those who’ve been happy to break the law and continue selling to young people.
Moreover, banning branding on packaging “will conflate vaping with smoking and will add to the misperceptions that already abound regarding the relative risk of vaping compared to smoking.”
He says a recent YouGov poll of 1,000 16–17-year-olds showed only 8% would stop vaping if companies were forced to adopt plain packaging.
Research favoured by plain packaging advocates
Kings College London released the findings of a study recently, conducted by its Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience : Interest in Trying E-Cigarettes with Branded and Standardised Packaging Among Youth and Adults in Great Britain.
The young people were asked which product they’d most feel like trying from a range of images.
The report concluded: “The findings of this survey study suggest that standardized packaging measures may reduce the appeal of e-cigarettes among youths without reducing their appeal among adults.”
Comments from the study
Lead author Dr Katherine East said vapes should be used by adult smokers but not by non-smokers under 18yrs old. She stated their results showed “a vital difference, as it means that vapes can still appeal to adults as a tool to stop smoking, particularly because our previous research has established vaping is significantly less harmful than smoking.”
Action on Smoking and Health’s Deborah Arnott added that the work proves it’s possible to reduce attractiveness to children without deterring adult smokers.
“The government should take note and commit to implementing standardised packaging for vapes and vaping products without delay,” Arnott added.
Will it make a difference?
Do you think it would change your vape habits? Does the branding influence your buying choices?
The government has been very supportive of vaping to date but the recent call for evidence heard from many people advocating for plain packaging. It says we should be hearing soon about the conclusions it has reached.