A new campaign by the website Back Vaping Save Lives is to raise awareness of the threats from the World Health Organisation (WHO) to vaping.
The dreaded COP10 meeting in Panama is scheduled for November by notoriously anti-vaping WHO.
Many threats have been made and we have more information on what this entails in several articles below:
·Confused by COP10? FCTC? Let the NNA Explain.
·WHO, COP10 & FCTC Jargon Explained By GSTHR.
·WHO Releases More Threats Against Vaping For COP10.
Also the agenda for these meetings has been released.
About The Campaign
We have been a long time supporter of Back Vaping Save Lives who are led by Mark Oates.
Mark Oates We Vape
Mark is an established and well respected vape advocate who runs the We Vape website and the Snus & Nicotine Pouch Users Association.
Our late great Neil Humber got the pleasure of interviewing Mark back in 2021 – you can read the interview here.
The objectives of the campaign are calling on the UK Government to stand up for vaping via their delegates at the COP10.
Mark Oates, founder of We Vape, said:
“The WHO is openly hostile toward vaping and so it is vitally important the millions of vapers in the UK , who were able to leave behind the misery and ill health associated with smoking, stand up to misinformation about this life-saving tool.
WHO wants taxes on e-cigs raised to the same level as cigarettes, wants to reclassify vape clouds as the same as smoke and ban all flavours, even though it accepts these are attractive to smokers trying to quit. Make no mistake, they are at war with a product proven to save lives.
Whatever motivates WHO, its recommendations influence health policy across 194 member states. This in turn influences world opinion and attitudes towards lifestyle behaviours, like vaping. Rather than follow the UK’s example of reducing smoking rates with harm reduction measures like e cigarettes, WHO wants vaping eliminated completely. Our campaign aims to raise awareness of this threat and encourage people to engage with MPs about the UK’s voice at this year’s COP10 in Panama.”
How To Get Involved
Visit the website and add your message to their postcard campaign.
One postcard will be sent to the Secretary of State for the Department of Health and Social Care and another will be sent to your individual Member of Parliament.
They suggest you include how vaping has helped you and as much info about your own smoking to vaping transition.
Plus of course please get sharing on social media too!
Also you can separately message your MP using their MP contact tool – fill this in and it will find your MP for you.