Every year over four billion people travel on an airplane. Whether for work or vacation, people love to take to the friendly skies. That includes a lot of vapers. Which raises the question, can you bring a vape on a plane? The answer is yes. But that answer is not without restriction or nuance. And individual airlines may vary. Nonetheless, we will cover the rules for traveling with a vape device and e-liquids.
As of 2020, TSA regulations for flying with electronic cigarettes require any battery-powered device to be carried on your person or in carry on bags. Vape devices or batteries are not allowed in checked bags. Passengers are allowed up to 100 ml of liquid, or 3.4 ounces. Any liquids exceeding 100 ml must be in your checked baggage.
When going through security, take your vape out of the carry on bag or off your person and check it with TSA agents. Remember that the TSA agent will have the final discretion whether or not to allow a vape on a plane. There is a slight chance that you may have to leave your vape at the security checkpoint. You may want to travel with your back-up e-cig as a precaution. However, if you follow the rules and are in compliance then you should have no problem
TSA Vape Rules 2020
Here is a summary of the 2020 TSA vape rules for taking an e-cig, mod, or vape juice on an airplane:
·No e-cigs, batteries, or any vape devices allowed in checked luggage.
·You are allowed to take your vape on a plane as long as it is on your person or in a carry on bag.
·Check with the individual airline to ensure they allow vapes on a plane per TSA regulation.
·Can you bring e-liquid on a plane? Yes, you can carry on up to 100 ml, or 3.4 ounces, of vape juice on a plane.
·Vape juice bottles in excess of 100 ml must be packed in checked baggage.
Going Through Security With You Vape:
·If carrying a vape on your person, show it to the TSA officer, or security officer in any given country.
·If the vape is in carry on bags, remove it and show it to security before putting it in the tray.
·The TSA agent will have discretion and make the final determination to allow you to travel with your vape.
That is the list of TSA rules for flying with e-cigs as of 2020. But now we need to discuss some of the nuances regarding traveling with a vape on a plane. Let’s answer some frequently asked questions.
Are Vapes Allowed On Planes FAQ
·Are vapes allowed on planes? – Yes, follow the TSA rules for flying with e-cigs listed above. No vapes in checked bags. Vapes and batteries must be carried on your person or in carry on bags.
·Can you bring vape mods on a plane? – Yes, as long as the mod is on your person or in a carry on bag. If carrying spare batteries, make sure that any extra batteries are also on your person or in a carry on bag. Ideally, keep any extra batteries with your other electronics such as in a laptop bag.
·What Are The Rules For Traveling On A Plane With E-Liquid? – Passengers are allowed up to 100 ml of liquid in a carry on bag. That includes any liquids such as shampoo, a bottle of perfume or cologne, or e-liquid. The total amount of liquids cannot exceed 100 ml or 3.4 ounces.
·Can you bring a vape pen on a plane? – Yes, you can bring a vape pen on a plane. A vape pen, even though it is smaller than a mod, is still an electronic vape device and must be kept on your person or in a carryon baggage.
·Is flying with vape cartridges or pods allowed? – Yes, passengers are allowed to fly with vape pods, cartridges, or coils. In fact, e-cigs and refill cartridges are very convenient for travel. We have heard that vape pods tend to leak at high altitudes.
·Is My Vape Battery Charger Allowed On The Plane? – Yes, your vape battery charger can be in either your carry on or checked bags.
·Can I bring a power bank on the plane? – Yes, but only in a carry on. No power banks allowed in checked baggage.
Can You Vape On An Airplane?
Passengers are not allowed to vape on a plane. If you think you can sneak a few puffs in the restroom, think again. The rules and laws make it clear. There can be stiff consequences including arrest and fines of up to $4000. If your vape cloud is mistaken for smoke or sets off a detector, the plane will be immediately diverted to make an emergency landing. Airlines take zero chances and will divert and land at the slightest hint of a potential problem. If that white cloud of vapor is traced back to you, the consequences could be even worse.
Do not vape on the plane! Also, don’t attempt to stealth vape. It is not worth the risk. Stealth vaping on a plane is a bad idea. Be considerate of other passengers. You can take your vape on a plane but do not use it until you get back on the ground. It can be hard to get through a 13-hour flight. Consequently, if you are on a long-haul flight you might want to take some nicotine gum to help you get through it.
In addition, you are not allowed to charge vape batteries on a plane. In the past several years, there have been 48 instances of vape battery fires on aircraft. The FAA has strict guidelines regarding any lithium-ion powered device on an aircraft.
·Vaping is not allowed in an airplane.
·That includes in flight or on the tarmac.
·Do not charge batteries on a plane.
Why Can’t Vapes Be In Checked Bags?
The FAA prohibits batteries in the cargo hold because they present a fire risk. The Transportation Security Administration will security check luggage for anything that could present a fire risk in the cargo hold. If a fire starts in the cargo hold, there is no way to access or extinguish it. There have been accidents caused by cargo hold fires. A lithium battery can be a fire risk if improperly stored and if it comes into contact with other metals. Air travelers, do not pack your vape in your checked bag. That includes box mods, vape starter kits, or any vape gear that contains a battery.
Five Tips For Traveling With Vape Gear
Next, we have five tips to take your vape or electronic cigarette through airport security, onto the plane, and on to your destination! We also have a suggestion for the best e-cig to travel with and we will explain why.
Our first tip deals with vape leaks. Whether you vape is in your pocket or carryon luggage, vape leaks are common in flight. Now a leak in flight is not dangerous, but it is messy. Why do vapes leak on a plane? Because of how high you are. No, we are not talking about weed vapes! We are talking about how high you are in the air!
A modern passenger jet aircraft flies at over 30,000 feet in altitude. The thinner air at higher altitudes is easier to fly through and saves on fuel costs. However, the air pressure at 30,000 feet is much less than the air pressure on the ground. In fact, there is not enough pressure or oxygen at 30,000 feet to sustain life. As a result, all passenger jets rely on a pressurized cabin. The pressure in an airplane cabin is the same as the air pressure at 10,000 feet above sea level.
Mimicking the air pressure at 10,000 feet satisfies the pressure and oxygen we need to be conscious and listen to the work problems of the guy sitting beside us in seat H3. But the air pressure at 10,000 feet impacts liquids. Liquid expands when there is less air pressure. For example, a filled vape tank will leak because at 10,000 feet the air pressure allows liquid to slightly expand. As a result, not all vapes are suitable to take on a plane. As a result, our first tip deals with traveling with e-liquids.
1. Taking Vaping Liquid On A Plane
As pointed out in the TSA guidelines, travelers can take up to 100 ml, or 34 ounces, of liquid in your hand luggage or carryon bag. Vape juice in excess of 100 ml must be placed in your checked bags. Now, if you put a brand-new, full bottle of vape juice in your checked luggage, it will leak during the flight. Because the bottle is full, there will be no room for the liquid to expand.
Before packing your vape gear and e-liquids, check the e-liquid bottles. If the bottle is more than ¾ three quarters full, squeeze some liquid into a spare bottle. Give some room inside the bottle for the vape juice to expand. Also, place all e-liquids in a zip-lock bag and seal it.
The same rules and laws of physics apply to any e-juice in a vape tank. If carrying a mod and vape tank onto the plane in a pocket or hand luggage, empty the tank before you leave the ground. Or at the very least, fly with your vape tank only half full at most. A vape tank has many places for the juice to leak out. If it does leak, well e-liquid does contain nicotine and if you get some on your skin wash it off right away. But empty your tank before you take off and you have no worries!
·All e-liquids in excess of 100 ml or 34 ounces must be packed in checked bags
·You don’t have to declare e-liquid, just make sure it is less than the 100 ml limit
·Travelers are advised to place their vape juice bottles in a sealable zip-lock style bag and store vape liquids in with your checked bags.
·Empty your vape tank before traveling with a vape on an airplane.
2. Travel With Back-Up Vape Device
Ok, can you bring a vape on a plane? Yes. We have discussed that at length. And there shouldn’t be any problem. But there is always a chance a concerned airport security officer could prevent you from taking a vape on any airline flights. It comes down to an individual decision made by security. Maybe you have a quad mod with custom features and the officer will deny it. It’s a small chance but you never know. We say, why take a chance.
If security denies you the ability to take your vape on an airplane, then you have three choices:
1.Miss your trip and go home.
2.Carry a self-addressed package and mail your vape home to yourself.
3.Allow security to confiscate your vape and never see it again.
None of those three options appeal to anyone. But you have a fourth and better option. This may seem self-serving advice on our part but it is not. We offer sincere vaping tips and this benefits you. Travel with a back-up vape. Most of the time you will only be gone for a week or two at most. Use a back-up vape that is easy to travel with until you get home. Choose a simple, small, portable, and easy to use back-up vape. And choose a back-up that won’t leak in flight.
3. Is There A Vape That Doesn’t Leak In An Airplane?
Can you bring a vape on a plane? Yes. And now we have warned you about the risk of leaks while in flight. Next and perhaps more important question, is there a vape that doesn’t leak on a plane. Yes! This is why we recommend traveling with a back-up e-cig. Go back to the basics with an easy to use, portable vape device that is easy to pack and won’t leak.
See the list of vape starter kits ideal for travel and taking on a plane.
4 Going Through Security
Going through security with a vape, tank, liquid and batteries is usually quick and easy. However, TSA officers exercise care to examine electronic devices. Part of our tips for traveling includes cooperating fully with TSA and being open about carrying your vape with you. Tell them if it is a nicotine vape, a pen with CBD oils, whatever it is be open and honest.
We also advise breaking down the device into component parts. For example, remove the tank from the mod and make it easy to inspect your vape gear. Also, we recommend using a vape carry case. It keeps your vape gear together and it also allows you to store your vape in component parts, which aids the inspection. At the very least, make sure to have a carry case for any extra batteries you carry.
Summary of tips to get through security when traveling with a vape:
·Be respectful and cooperate fully with security officers.
·Be open and show your vape device.
·Separate the mod and tank to present for security inspection.
·Use a carry case for your vape gear.
·Store batteries in a battery carry case.
·Keep batteries and chargers with other electronic devices such as laptops.
5. No Vaping On The Plane!
Can I vape on a plane? No. We have already answered this question so why are we including it again in our travel tips? Because it is very important! We can’t stress enough. Don’t vape on the plane. What happens if you vape on a plane? Fines, maybe jail, nothing good happens. Look, our community is always being hit with vape bans and flavor bans. We need to enhance our reputation in the general public. If we vape on a plane, it will freak everybody out and make us look bad.
Moreover, vaping on a plane is illegal. You will get into a lot of trouble. If the worst happens and a puff of vape gets mistaken for smoke and the plane makes an emergency landing because of you, well the consequences will be severe. If your vape sets off a smoke alarm then you are in a world of trouble. Yes, vapor can set off a smoke alarm on a plane. You won’t hear the alarm but the pilots will. Don’t put yourself at risk. No stealth vaping, no sneak a hit in the bathroom. Don’t vape on the plane! Watch a movie. Read a book. Chew some nicotine gum. But don’t vape until you are back on terra firma.
Fly With Your Vape And Have A Great Trip!
Our vaping tips for traveling on a plane with e-cigs and vapes seem like a downer. But really the news is good. You can take your electronic cigarettes and vape on planes. We wanted to make sure the rules and laws are well understood so you can fly with your vape and have an awesome trip!
Follow the Transportation Security Administration laws, cooperate with TSA agents, and you should have no issues. Just double-check with each individual airline to make sure. We also recommend traveling with a back-up vape and leaving your expensive mod at home. It will be there when you get back. Pick up a cigalike kit or a Clear Fusion kit for your journey. Most of all, have a safe trip and an outstanding time!