Coil porn, as it is being called, is the latest trend to light up vaping forums and social media feeds. Coil porn follows in the footsteps of other “porns” like food porn that has come about in the social media age.
Like those other obsessions, coilporn is people posting admiring images of expertly-wrought coil builds online. Of course, it is not for everyone. It is only among a dedicated group of builders and vaping enthusiasts where coil porn is even a thing. There is still something to admire, though about the expertise, craft, and skill behind the best coil porn.
What the Hell Is Coil Porn?
Coilporn was born more from admiration than from titillation. No one knows precisely who started calling pictures of fused Clapton, Alien and other different types of vape coils “porn,” but the moniker was inevitable.
Vapers have never shied away from taking and posting pictures of their rigs. That exhibitionism combined with the fact that vapers already congregate on the Internet in large numbers should have been a sign of things to come.
But, again, coil porn is more an expression of pride in a job well-done than anything else. It has also helped popularize coil builds and materials that are not so common outside of builder communities.
Where to Find
The Internet is the best place to find coil porn. There are several Facebook groups, subreddits, and Instagram pages dedicated to the practice of building out-of-this-world coils and then using them with the best box mods.
These social media sites are probably the best place to see builds that builders make. Making your own coilporn will take more skill and experience. There are a few YouTube channels where popular coil builders do step-by-step videos showing how they achieve their builds.
Yes, Coil Porn Is a Thing
One exciting thing about coilporn is that many. The fact that they are not operational gives the coils a more artistic bent. These builders focused on the shape, form, and color of their coils more than if they could work or not in their vape tanks.
The ingenuity and originality that propelled vaping into, or further out of the mainstream, is still present, as this new sub-culture can attest.