One of the first things that Cannabis smokers ask when transitioning to vaping is, “Does vaping weed smell?” The short answer is yes. Vaping still produces a noticeable smell. But the good news is that the scent doesn’t last long, nor does it stay on you. It also doesn’t cling to hair, clothes, or the room you’re smoking in.
The smell of cannabis differs from strain to strain. This is because each strain contains a distinct mix of terpenes in the plant. These terpenes contain aromatic oils that produce the smell (and taste) of the herb.
When cannabis is smoked, the smell released from the terpenes is mixed with other by-products brought about by combustion (i.e. burning the herb). This gives it a smoky odor; it is also why smoking produces a stronger and longer-lasting scent that often attaches to other materials.
Vaping cannabis also releases the terpenes in the herb, which explains why it still has that marijuana smell. However, since vaping doesn’t generally burn herb directly, it produces a cleaner and more subtle scent. Additionally, since it’s vapor, it’s thinner, so it dissipates from the air more quickly. Learn more about cannabis and the history of vaporizing weed.
Some vapes do a better job in reducing the smell of cannabis than others. Dry herb vapes typically produce the most discernible smell as far as vapes go. Those that run on conduction let out a stronger smell, while vapes that have convection ovens within them produce a weaker scent in comparison. If you’re using a dry herb vape, you may want to crack open a window or make sure that no one comes over within 30 minutes of your vaping. Meanwhile, dab pens or vapes that use waxes are subtle, while vape pens are the most unnoticeable.
Dry herbs have a stronger odor than their more processed counterparts. You can tell just by opening a container of it—the smell immediately spreads. So using it needs a little more caution if you’re trying to be discreet about it.
The good news is the smell from cannabis vaping only lingers for 5 to 10 minutes in well-ventilated rooms. If you’re vaping outside, it can even disappear as soon as you smoke it, since the open environment allows the vapor to dissipate more effectively. In a closed room, however, it may take up to 30 minutes for the smell to completely disappear.
Reducing the smell starts with knowing which substance to use and having a good vape. That said, there are some tricks you can do to vape weed almost completely undetected.
You should always keep your vape clean to help it function properly. But doing so also prevents it from harboring any remaining substances that may keep the smell of cannabis in the device. This is especially important if you’re using a dry herb vape.
The issue of lingering scents doesn’t just concern the device or the act of vaping. It’s detectable in the substances you use, particularly if it’s a dry herb. Store remaining buds properly to stop them from leaking their natural odor. The best way to do this is to keep them in a glass jar.
Vaping outdoors is the best way to mask the smell of vaping cannabis because it allows the vapor to dissipate more quickly. If you can’t vape outdoors, do it in a well-ventilated room or beside a window. You can also do the age-old trick of placing a towel under the door to stop the smell from coming out of your room.
If you’re vaping indoors, you can also use essential oils, light a scented candle, or spray some perfume to ensure that there’s no trace of the smell. Many people also recommend popping a bag of microwavable popcorn, since the buttery smell of the snack tends to be so overpowering that it takes over the room.
Vaping cannabis still smells. But the scent it produces is not as strong or long-lasting as the odor created by smoking herb. So while the distinct smell of marijuana is there, it quickly disappears, and it doesn’t stick to your person or in the room. This makes vaping cannabis a better alternative for those who want to enjoy the high discreetly. Read about bringing vapes on a plane.