If you are into cloud chasing, you will need a big cloud vape setup. To produce thicker vapor smoke correctly to make big clouds from your vape pen you will need to consider the following:
1) Low ohm coil. Each coil has ohm load impedance. The lower it is, the more power its going to pull from your battery, making it more sufficient. Having a coil below 1 ohm is called sub ohm vaping. You need to be careful when doing this though for your own safety in terms of the ohm law chart. The last thing you want is your electronic cigarette blowing up.
2) 100% VG based juice. This is more thicker compared to PG based juice which is more based for a stronger throat hit. Filling your tank with pure VG juice will give you them cloud chaser clouds in the air for sure.
3) Battery amps/watts
oltage. The more powerful the battery is the easier it will be for the coil to heat up. Make sure you got a strong battery that is compatible with the coils impedance for best results and smoke production.
4) Loads of airflow. The more air you can rush into the tank, the more its going to go into your lungs at a quicker rate. You can drill out more holes on the bottom of the tank to allow more air in and chase them thick huge big clouds you always dreamed of.
1) Low ohm coil. Each coil has ohm load impedance. The lower it is, the more power its going to pull from your battery, making it more sufficient. Having a coil below 1 ohm is called sub ohm vaping. You need to be careful when doing this though for your own safety in terms of the ohm law chart. The last thing you want is your electronic cigarette blowing up.
2) 100% VG based juice. This is more thicker compared to PG based juice which is more based for a stronger throat hit. Filling your tank with pure VG juice will give you them cloud chaser clouds in the air for sure.
3) Battery amps/watts
4) Loads of airflow. The more air you can rush into the tank, the more its going to go into your lungs at a quicker rate. You can drill out more holes on the bottom of the tank to allow more air in and chase them thick huge big clouds you always dreamed of.