Vaping is considerably cheaper than smoking. In this article, we will conduct a comprehensive cost comparison between vaping and smoking, providing you with up-to-date price information. Our aim is to help you make an informed decision on whether transitioning from smoking to vaping is the right choice for you as you embark on your journey to quit smoking cigarettes.
Every smoker has their unique motivations for wanting to quit cigarettes. Some may seek a more economical and healthier alternative, while others are looking for effective support in their smoking cessation efforts or simply want to explore the wide selection of flavours available in the vaping world.
We will break down the cost factors associated with both smoking and vaping to illustrate how making the switch can not only save you money but also offer a more satisfying and enjoyable experience.
How much do cigarettes cost?
The Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, announced a significant increase in cigarette prices during the Spring Budget of 2023. The price of a standard pack of 20 cigarettes has surged by £1.15, marking a substantial 15% rise. As a result, the cost of a pack of 20 cigarettes has now surpassed £14. This price hike impacts the 6.4 million smokers across the UK.
Based on our findings, the average price for a pack of cigarettes in the UK is £14.82. Over the course of a year, this amounts to an average annual spending of £5,409.
Cigarettes cost a 20 a day smoker approximately £5,409.30 each year
Cigarettes cost a 20 a day smoker approximately £2,704.65 every 6 months
Cigarettes cost a 20 a day smoker approximately £1,352.32 every 3 months
Cigarettes cost a 20 a day smoker approximately £450.77 every month
Cigarette prices in the UK are among the highest in Europe, and they have experienced a significant and continuous increase over the past decade, showing no indications of slowing down.
If you are making the switch from cigarettes to vaping have a read of our blog: Best pod System Vape Kits for Beginners!
How much does an e-cigarette vape kit cost?
In this article, we have examined 20 of the most popular vape kits from brands including Aspire, Innokin, Uwell, Oxva, and Vaporesso. Based on our findings, the average price for a vape kit in the UK is £18.99. On average a vape starter kit will last you up to 6 months, in some cases they may last up to a year depending on usage. Various factors will determine how long a vape kit will last, but over time after repeatedly recharging and depleting the battery will take its toll on your battery and affect performance.
While the initial cost of purchasing a vape kit and e-liquids (in some cases), may be higher than one box of 20 traditional cigarettes. The ongoing cost of vaping is significantly lower than the ongoing cost of purchasing cigarettes.
You can pick up low-budget vape kits for as little as £9.99 for devices like the Aspire Gotek X, or you can spend up to £27.99 for Vaporesso XROS 3 kit. The average price of vape kit, from our best-sellers at tablites.com is £18.99 which includes a free 10ml bottle of e-liquid to get you started. Each starter kit comes supplied with everything you need to start vaping, including e-liquid, spare coils and pods/tanks.
How much will an e-cigarette vape kit cost me per year?
The cost of a vape kit per year works out only a few pence per day.
Vape kits cost approximately £37.98 each year (Just over £0.10 per day)
Vape kits cost approximately £18.99 every 6 months (Just over £0.05 per day)
Vape kits cost approximately £9.49 every 3 months
Vape kits cost approximately £3.16 every month
How much does e-liquid cost?
According to the NHS… “A UK standard disposable vape delivers a similar amount of nicotine as 20 cigarettes”.
A UK-regulated disposable vape with the highest legal nicotine level (20mg/ml) contains 2ml of liquid and 40mg of nicotine. This delivers, on average, about 20mg of nicotine to the user.
A pack of 20 cigarettes contains 200 to 300mg of nicotine. This delivers, on average, 20 to 30mg of nicotine to the smoker.
The average disposable vape in the UK will provide up to 600 puffs and contains 2ml of e-liquid. If we use this maths, then one 10ml bottle (£3.99) will provide 3,000 puffs. (Prices are considerably lower when purchasing larger quantities with our multi-buy e-liquid deals).
Let’s say the average person vapes 2ml of e-liquid per day (one full pod, tank or disposable vape), then one 10ml bottle will last up to 5 days. If we use this maths, then the average vaper will use 730ml of e-liquid every year or 73 x 10ml bottles. £3.99 x 73 bottles = £291.27 will last approximately one year.
E-Liquids cost approximately £291.27 per year
E-Liquids cost approximately £145.63 every 6 months
E-Liquids cost approximately £72.81 every 3 months
E-Liquids cost approximately £24.27 every month
How long do e-liquids last?
The frequency of vaping varies from person to person and can depend on factors such as individual preferences, the e-liquid you choose, nicotine levels, and the type of vaping device used.
On average, some vapers may use their devices a few times a day, while others may vape more frequently. It's essential to find a vaping frequency that suits your needs and helps you manage your nicotine cravings effectively.
Vaping is considerably cheaper and a less harmful alternative to cigarette smoking. Vapes are 95% safer than cigarettes, and e-cigarettes carry a fraction of the risk of traditional cigarettes.
How much do vape coils cost to buy?
The average cost of 5x vape coils is £11.99 (£2.39 each). Let’s say that for the average person, one vape coil will last approximately 14 days (2 weeks).
Vape coils cost approximately £57.36 per year
Vape coils cost approximately £28.68 every 6 months
Vape coils cost approximately £14.34 every 3 months
Vape coils cost approximately £4.78 every month
How long do vape coils last?
One coil can last the average vaper a week or two depending on usage, device used and the frequency you vape. If you are a social vaper, vape coils can last up to one month.
We recommend to replace your vape coils as often as you vape. Once your vape coil stops performing as well as it once did this is a sign that you may need to change your vape coil.
For more information about vape coils read our blog: How do you know when to change your vape coil?
Cost effectiveness of vaping
Lower cost per puff
The cost of purchasing some vape kits and e-liquid may be higher than purchasing one packet of 20 cigarettes in the UK. But, vape kits (excluding disposable vapes), are constructed from durable materials and are designed and built to last. They are fitted with rechargeable batteries that can last up to 6 months and in some cases a full year before they need to be replaced.
Cost effective e-liquid options
E-liquids are available in various price ranges, with budget friendly options available for all vapers. You can enjoy high quality vape juice without the huge price tag.
Vaping can not only save you thousands of £’s every year, but also your health.
Cancer Research UK says… “Smoking causes at least 15 types of cancer so stopping smoking completely is the best thing you can do for your health. E-cigarettes can help people stop smoking and are an effective stop smoking tool. There’s no safe level of smoking, so it is important to stop tobacco-use completely.
Because vaping is far less harmful than smoking, your health could benefit from switching from smoking to vaping. And you will reduce your risk of getting cancer.
Switching from cigarettes to e-cigarettes could also save you a lot of money. Some people spend more than others, but in general, smoking costs over three times as much as vaping.”
Smoking is an expensive habit that costs approximately £5,409.30* per year if you smoke a pack of 20 cigarettes per day.
Average Vape Kit cost per year - £37.98
Average E-Liquid per year - £291.27
Average Vape Coils cost per year - £57.36
Average total cost of vaping per year = £386.61
Transitioning from smoking cigarettes to vaping could potentially save you up to £5,000 annually.
In conclusion, the cost comparison between vaping and smoking cigarettes reveals a compelling case for choosing vaping as a more economical nicotine delivery option.
We hope that this article has provided you with valuable insights to make an informed decision about switching to vaping. By making this transition, you not only stand to save money in the long run, but you also take a significant step towards improving your overall health and well-being. Your financial savings and your health are valuable assets, and embracing vaping as a cost-effective and less harmful alternative can be a wise and rewarding choice.
Thank you for reading, and we wish you all the best on your journey toward a smoke-free and budget-friendly future.