There is a new episode of the “Let’s talk e-cigarettes” podcast available.
You may be familiar with this as I have mentioned it in previous news articles.
The podcast is created by a team of Oxford University researchers and is funded by Cancer Research UK.
The purpose of the podcast is to keep on top of new e-cigarette studies and promote a discussion.
September 2022 Episode
In this episode Dr Jamie Hartmann-Boyce and Dr Nicola Lindson interview Harry Tattan-Birch who is from the Department of Behavioural Science and Health at University College London.
Harry discusses his team’s recent Randomised Control Trial studying whether adding E-cigarettes to Varenicline medication helps more people quit smoking than just Varenicline alone. Also he discusses research into Heated Tobacco products.
Also new research literature found between July and September 2022 is discussed.