Right To Vape Collects Testimonials – Tell Your Story!

I just saw a tweet promoting the Right To Vape website where you can tell your story of how vaping has helped you quit smoking.

I am definitely a few (well at least 2) years out of date with this article but it is still an ongoing project and well worth getting involved with!

The Right To Vape site collects all the testimonials as a database and repository. Its goal is present a large collection of individual stories to prove how swapping to smokeless nicotine products – (including vaping, snus and other products) has helped many people quit combusted tobacco.

It is a joint venture between CASAA (Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association) and CAPHRA (Coalition of Asia Pacific tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates).

The testimonials are posted publicly on the website and may be sent to lawmakers to fight anti-vaping legislation.

You can also visit their world map page to show which countries testimonials have been submitted from.

What Do They Want To Know?
I quote from the website…

“Any adult who has successfully made the switch is encouraged to share their story for the world to see. YOUR story shows public health officials and organisations that:
• We are adults
• We have the RIGHT to make informed decisions for our health
• We ARE the evidence that safer alternatives work
• We are NOT going to be silenced”

Further on they make some suggestions of how you can structure your own story…

“• How long did you smoke?
• How long ago did you start using a smoke-free alternative?
• What methods (NRT, Chantix, counselling, etc.) did you use to try to quit smoking before switching to a smoke-free alternative?
• What changes in the quality of your life (both positive and negative) have you noticed since adopting the smoke-free alternative?”

I will be heading over now to write up how vaping finally stopped my 30 year smoking habit, when all other NRT and prescription medication failed! I have been off the ciggies for over 4 years now!

Go and join in and get your voice heard!

NOTE: I did have a lot of issues submitting my testimonial online, the Captcha system seems to be buggered and keeps responding with “Incorrect Captcha, please try again”.