There is a common misconception about charging vapes or ANY device that has a rechargeable battery. Most people think that they can leave a vape on the charger for as long as they want until they’re ready to use it. Just reading that statement you should be able to sense that something isn’t right about it. We’re not going to accuse you of gross negligence here because what actually happens is this: Before going to bed at night you will plug up your device into your vape pen charger, and the next morning you’ll take it off the charger and go about your day. Sounds pretty harmless and chances are we’ve all done this at least once. There is a problem here, and we’ll get to that in a moment.
Visualize this scenario: You have purchased a new vape pen, you turn it on, and you continue vaping until the battery dies. You then pull the vape pen charger out of the package and you charge the vaping device until the green light indicates that it is fully charged, and you go back to vaping. Repeat the cycle.
What we often forget to do is turn the vape pen off when we stop using it. Not doing so is a big no no. Simply turning off your vaping device will not only conserve power but helps you avoid accidentally firing your vape.
Going back to the start of this article, what you need to understand is whether it’s your laptop, cell phone or any other electronic device you cannot leave it charging for an indefinite amount of time. Second to smashing your vaping device, leaving your vape pen charging for a long period of time daily is the fastest way to damage internal components. Overcharging your vape battery will reduce its capacity; you will find yourself having to charge your vape more often than before.
The effect of depleting battery capacity due to overcharging is most common in vapes that have built-in internal batteries. An external vape pen charger should be used if your vape batteries are removable. Many external battery chargers now have a programmed circuit breaker to prevent overcharging.
Next is the safety issues of overcharged batteries. There is a lithium-ion battery in your vape, and while they’re charging they will heat up. Overcharging will cause these batteries to overheat and pose a risk to safety. If you have seen videos of vaping devices catching fire, chances are the user has a venting battery. Or if the vape is powered by removable batteries, the plastic casing on those batteries may have been damaged, causing another type of hazard. Lithium-ion batteries can swell if they’re extremely hot or even burst into flames. We can’t say for sure what exactly caused a battery explosion, but we can guess that there was a battery safety issue.
The takeaway here is to be mindful when charging your vape and the physical condition of the batteries. Avoid leaving your vape on the charger for an extended period of time and inspect external batteries for even the slightest nicks.