What is Squonking? All you Need to Know

Learn everything you need to know about Sqounking in this article. We cover its benifit and dangers, as well wha you need to make one.

To a relatively inexperienced vaper, "Squonking" might sound funny or just outright weird. But for any vaping veteran out there, the term sounds anything but weird. Squonking is a revolutionary method requiring surgical precision. So, if performed incorrectly, this can be very dangerous. In this article, we will take a plunge into all things Squonking. Everything from what it is, to the hazards behind it.

What is Squonking?
Squonking, in short, is just another form of vaping. This type of vape involves both a Squonk Mod and a bottom-feeding RDA(Rebuildable Atomizer). The Squonk Mod includes a pliable e-juice bottle that feeds liquid into the atomizer tank. So essentially, the whole purpose of these devices is to continually keep the wick saturated to prevent it from burning. If the wick becomes dry, usually cause of the lack of e-juice, the wick will begin to burn. The burning of the wick leads to the user getting a burnt cotton taste.

How does Squonking work? The most important part of the device is the squonk mod or also called a squeeze bottle. This bottle works by pumping liquid into the atomizer, which saturates the coil. All excess fluid inside the atomizer ends up sucked back into the bottle due to the vacuum effect. The vacuum effect results from the buildup of pressure inside the bottle that accumulates after releasing the squeeze bottle. So basically, a Good working Squeeze bottle should keep the wick utterly saturated without causing any flooding or spitting.

Most squonk mods use a specialized squeeze bottle, which is flexible yet durable enough to be perfect for this form of vape. But some other mods use a stainless steel bottle with a small pump. These mods are usually classified as high-end mods while the squeeze bottles are not. Don't let this fool you cause the squeeze bottle is less troublesome and just as effective as the stainless steel bottle. As for picking, we at ProVapor would suggest staying with the standard squeeze bottle.

Squonking Vs. Dripping
Since you already know about Squonking, now let's talk a bit about Dripping. Dripping is used to produce more vapor with bolder cleaner flavors; for some, it even intensifies the throat hit. Dripping is done by manually adding your standard e-juice to the bridge or coil of the atomizer and thus saturating the wick, giving you like the vapor a better experience. Squonking is just a more practical way of doing just that. It allows you to get a better hit still while not sacrificing comfort. Dripping is much more cost-efficient than the other method because of the lack of having to buy specialized devices.

How you Do it: Safely
Safetly is a pretty big thing when it comes to squonking. Only use regulated squonk devices. Most squonk mods are mechanical mods that run directly off the battery, making them very powerful and yet very dangerous. We recommend only those well versed in currents, battery, and resistance to using mechanical mods.

To get started squonking MigVapor has an amazing list of the right gear you will need:

·A squonk mod
·Squonk bottle (usually with an 8 ml juice capacity)
·VG vape juice
·Bottom Feeding RDA with hollow 510 center pin
·Coil Wire
·Coil building kit

Like MigVapor says the coil building kit is very important cause of the tweezers, cutters and coil jigs it contains. And these kits will be very helpful when building your coils.