Searching for a new eliquid can be a surprisingly difficult experience, especially if you’re not sure about what flavors you like. If you’re the type to get overwhelmed by too many options, it can even be downright stressful.
There are so many different flavors to choose from, deciding on a single one can seem impossible, especially if you don’t know where to start. That’s why you need to come up with a plan and utilize all the resources you can to help you narrow down your options.
Choosing an ejuice you like is a personal experience, but it’s nice to have some advice and extra information to help you along. Eliquids represent a significant investment of time and money, and you don’t want to end up with a whole bottle of juice that you don’t even enjoy or want to finish.
If you are looking for a new eliquid flavor but you aren’t sure where to start, then don’t worry because you’re already in the right place. In this post, we’re going to show you how to find an e-liquid flavor you like and how to use a variety of tools to make your search easier.
It may take some time and trial and error to find a new favorite flavor or group of flavors, especially if you are new to vaping. But using the advice in this article, you can take some of the risk and uncertainty from the search and have a better chance of choosing a flavor you’ll like.
Know What You’re Looking For
First of all, it’s important to have a general idea of what you’re looking for when you start browsing your options. Finding a new flavor of juice is a difficult quest to undertake if you don’t have a sense of direction to start with.
That’s why you should consider things like general e-liquid flavor categories and characteristics you might prefer before you dive into the search. You’ll be much more likely to find a great flavor you’ll like if you’ve though about your tastes and what you want to get out of your vape.
Know Your General Flavor Options
First, it helps to know what kind of options are out there to choose from. While it would be impossible to browse through every flavor of e-liquid, most of them can be grouped into more general flavor categories that can help you narrow down your choices.
While there is no “official” e-liquid flavor categorization system, most vapers agree that there are several main types of flavors. Here is a list of some of these main flavor categories that you can choose from.
Most common categories of ejuice flavors:
Savory flavors
Menthol flavors
Tobacco flavors
Cereal flavors
Fruit flavors
Candy flavors
Unique and exotic flavors
If you shop in our eliquid store, there are several easy ways to browse through our large selection of flavors. You can sort our juice by brand, flavor category, PG/VG ratio, nicotine level, and more to make it easier and faster to find the eliquid you want.
Think About Your Goal
What kind of e-juice flavor you will enjoy depends on how you plan to use it. In other words, take a moment to consider more generally what you want out of your vape.
For instance, you might enjoy a bold, rich flavor only to find that it’s just too intense to vape every day. That may be exactly what you’re looking for if you want a different flavor to spice things up on occasion, but might be a bad choice if what you’re really looking for is an everyday vape.
You might find that some flavors are more versatile and work better as a staple flavor for vaping frequently or long term. Everyone’s preferences are different, and what flavor works best for you will depend on your personal taste and the circumstances in which you plan to vape it.
If you’re looking for an eliquid to be your main juice supply, it’s important to find a flavor that you can enjoy day after day. Some vapers find that e-juice with simpler, milder flavors tend to have the most lasting appeal.
If you’re looking for something more exciting to vape when the mood for something different strikes, then it may be the perfect time to try some richer, more exotic flavors. It’s good to have something different and interesting to vape now and then, even if you wouldn’t choose it every time.
Other Important Eliquid Qualities to Consider
Even when flavor is your main consideration, there are other eliquid characteristics that you should look for when you shop. For example, you should think about your preferred nicotine content, vapor texture, and throat feel before narrowing your options too much.
A lot of an eliquid’s characteristics come from it’s PG/VG ratio; high PG liquids are more flavorful and produce smaller clouds, while high VG liquids produce big, thick clouds of vapor, but their flavor tends to be less pure and rich.
The PG/VG ratio also determines the e-liquid’s texture and the “throat feel” it has when you vape. High-VG liquids have a thicker texture and a smoother throat feel, while high-PG liquids tend to give you a harsher “throat hit” when you vape, which is a sensation that many former cigarette smokers prefer.
You should also know how much nicotine you want your juice to have. While some eliquid flavors come in a variety of nicotine levels, some brands limit you to only a couple of nicotine options.
To learn more about PG/VG ratios and what they mean, check out our previous post here. We also have a great guide about nicotine levels in ejuice if you need help figuring out how much nicotine to get.
How to Figure Out What You Like
Once you have a better idea in mind of what kind of eliquid you’re looking for, you can really start narrowing down your flavor options. However, making the final decision can still be tricky, especially when you’ve never tasted the ejuice first-hand.
Luckily, all it takes is a little bit of research to find great ejuice reviews and recommendations. You can also use your friends and other vapers in the community as resources to learn more about the most popular, unique, and highest-quality e-juice flavors on the market.
Sample Friends’ Flavors
If you have any friends or family who vape, ask them if you can try out some of their e-juice. Most experienced vapers have at least a small collection of different flavors that you could sample to get a better idea of what you like.
You can also ask friends and family about what kinds of eliquid brands and flavors they’d recommend. Leveraging their advice could help you discover new flavors and save you from wasting your money on sub-par juice.
Find Eliquid Reviews
Thanks to a large community of vapers willing to share their opinions online, there’s an abundance of information available about just about every ejuice available. From reviews, recommendations, video demonstrations, and colorful descriptions of taste and texture, the internet is full of great e-juice advice.
If you want to look up a specific flavor, you can visit an eliquid review site to see what other vapers have to say. There, you can find thousands of reviews from vapers like you to help you decide what is and isn’t worth getting.
You can also find great reviews on vaping forums, blogs, and other websites. Anywhere you find vapers online, you’re bound to find plenty of opinions and advice about their favorite (and least favorite) products.
Order a Sample Box
Unfortunately, since FDA rules now prohibit vape shops from giving out free samples or letting people test e-juice flavors before buying them. However, what you can do is order a sample box, which allows you to try new eliquid flavors before paying full price.
Sample boxes generally come with several small bottles of eliquids in a variety of flavors. They are great for discovering new flavors and give you the luxury of testing them in your own device and on your own time at home.
Buy From a Trusted Source
Now that you have a good idea of what kind of flavor you want, it’s time to go out and buy your bottle of eliquid. However, you don’t want to buy your juice from just anywhere; you should only purchase from trusted
The first part of this is to always look for high-quality eliquids that come from brands with good reputations. Cheaply-made eliquids are not only more likely to taste worse, but they may even be more risky to vape.
While most eliquids are safe, some sketchy and foreign stores online sell counterfeit eliquids that don’t meet the quality standards of the original. Also, some manufacturers of discount eliquids may cut corners and use sub-par ingredients to make a quick buck off of less-discerning customers.
On the other hand, high-quality eliquids from reputable brands are much more likely to be made in clean, safe environments using safe ingredients and flavorings. They tend to have more quality control which means less risk of contaminates and more consistent flavor.
In addition to buying from trusted eliquid brands, you should also buy from a trusted eliquid retailer. Avoid the temptation to buy from foreign sellers and obscure online stores with prices too good to be true. It’s probably not worth saving a few bucks to get juice that’s poor quality or, much more rarely, juice that is counterfeit or unsafe.