CBD can easily fit in every person’s way of life since it is a completely natural therapy. However, the restrictions about its usage depend on the state you live in and your work environment. Even though numerous states have legally allowed the usage of THC or marijuana for both recreational and medical use, a lot of companies that conduct drug tests consider marijuana usage as a reason for suspension or terminating employee’s employment. It might be enigmatic to use CBD since it is not strictly legal in each state, but this CBD Information Guide contains all the necessary information that you might need regarding CBD consumption.
A lot of incorrect views and opinions are related to CBD and the greatest one is the notion that it is completely identical to THC. These two substances are a part of the cannabis plant and in chemical terms they are almost the same. The main difference is in their structure. That structural difference is the reason why CBD usage does not have any psychoactive effects like marijuana usage has. Basically, CBD and THC can be used in the same healing treatments for multiple conditions and the only difference is that CBD, unlike THC, will not make the person “high”. That reason makes CBD adequate for treating many conditions, such as: chronic pain, depression, anxiety, epilepsy, and inflammation.
How Long Does It Take For CBD Oil To Work
The first question that come to mind when you first start using CBD oil is how long does CBD last or how long does it take to work. The method of consumption has the greatest role in determining the time necessary to start feeling the CBD effects.
The most common consumption method for CBD is ingestion. The most appropriate way to completely use all the CBD oil’s advantages as a therapeutic is to apply several drops directly in the mouth. Nonetheless, if a person wants to feel the CBD effect instantly, then this consumption method might not be the most adequate. With ingestion, CBD oil is practically being swallowed, meaning it does not reach the bloodstream at that very instant. The oil first goes through the gastrointestinal tract and ends up in the liver where it is being resolved, and then it finally enters the bloodstream.
According to studies results, there is a phase named “first pass effect” during which compounds of CBD are subjected to processing by metabolism in the liver. At this instance, a specific type of cytochrome P450 oxidases enzymes are being created within the liver. Also, the concentration of CBD is lowered before the rest of CBD enters the blood circulation and starts flowing through the body. Oral CBD consumption is a very simple method and that is why it became very popular. However, it is not as efficient as sublingual application and inhalation. This low efficiency happens because only 5% of the swallowed CBD actually enters the bloodstream, i.e. the bioavailability is not high.
It is all the same whether CBD oil or edibles containing CBD are ingested because both of them go directly to the digestive system. The process at which they undergo is a long one and the complete concentration of CBD in the plasma is significantly lowered. When CBD is ingested, one or two hours are needed for a person to start feeling its effects.
A CBD consumption method which has a greater effect than ingestion is the sublingual one. When using CBD sublingually, you need to apply several CBD drops below your tongue. Keep them there around 2 to 4 minutes. Afterwards, rub the drops with the tongue into the cheeks’ inner part and then swallow the rest. During sublingual consuming the substance, the mucous membranes which are parts of the mouth help the CBD go directly to the bloodstream without entering the liver or the system of digestion. Unlike ingestion, where the CBD was metabolized in the liver during the process named “first-pass” and the CBD molecules were completely resolved, in the sublingual method CBD goes to the bloodstream earlier and in higher concentration.
Another method with higher efficiency is inhalation. During this method CBD is quickly absorbed and the lungs have a very big role in helping the CBD to enter the bloodstream, i.e. the bioavailability is higher. It is all the same if you are vaping CBD from a vape pen or smoking a strain containing high-CBD, because in both cases CBD identically interacts with the body. When this method of inhalation is used for CBD consumption, the cannabinoids go straight into the lungs. Afterwards, they are quickly absorbed in the blood circulation and start flowing through the body.
According to a study conducted in 2007, the period during which CBD can be found in the body after smoking is up to 72 hours. This is the most adequate method for people who want to deal with pain instantly since the CBD effects can be felt right after inhaling CBD. The reason behind this fact, as it has already been proved, is that the concentration of CBD is the highest in the plasma only 3 minutes after a person has inhaled CBD.
There are multiple different modes of topical CBD. It can be found as a part of creams, salves, lotions, and other products for wellness and health. Usually, topical CBD is directly administered on the skin. The surface of the skin absorbs it and it starts interacting with the cannabinoid receptors placed there. Sometimes, topicals containing CBD need to be administered in large amounts because sometimes the skin might not absorb the CBD very well. This way CBD easily goes through keratinocyte membranes which are located on the peripheral skin layer. CBD’s ability to enter the skin when it is topically administered is ten times greater than THC and reaches its highest point in 90 minutes.
How Long Does CBD Stay In Your System?
In 2005, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring publicized a study where soft-gelatin capsules were provided to volunteers. The capsules contained cannabis extract with 2.5 milligrams of THC and 1.35 milligrams of CBD. The results showed that the period in which CBD could be found in the blood is up to six hours after it has been ingested.
The amount of CBD in the blood which could be found after using high doses every day was analyzed in a study conducted in 1991 and published in Pharmacology Biochemistry & Behavior. Fourteen patients with Huntington’s disease received a daily dose of 700 milligrams of CBD by the research team in a period of six weeks. One week later, when the dosage was terminated, it was noticed that the levels of CBD residues in the blood were only 1.5 nanograms per milliliter, which means they were barely detectable.
The results of this study have also shown that the approximate time for CBD to be decreased by half is three to five days. In terms of gender, there were not any meaningful differences noticed. All of these factors have a crucial role in determining the time period when CBD and its metabolites can be found in the body. It can be concluded that CBD will probably be out of the system in a period of one or two weeks.
The period in which CBD can be found in the body will depend on numerous factors as well:
Metabolism: The metabolism of the person has a vital role about how long CBD is subject to processing by metabolism and finally removed from the body. It is also very important whether CBD is taken on an empty stomach or with food, because some types of food have different effects on the bioavailability and can easily increase it, just like they can increase the total concentration of CBD in the human body.
Frequency of Use: How long the CBD stays in the body depends on how frequent it has been used.
CBD Dosage: The CBD dose taken per usage influences the time period during which cannabinoid stays in the system.
Method of Administration: The method of CBD consumption is another condition which influences the CBD effects in the body and how long CBD remains in it. For example, when CBD is ingested the effects will begin in an hour or two, while with vaping and smoking CBD, they begin instantly.
How Long Does THC Stay In Your System?
When talking about the time period in which the THC by products remain in the system, it has to be emphasized which system is being analyzed because that is decisive.
If you are using marijuana, you are probably wondering how long it stays in your blood. The body quickly metabolizes THC and it can only be found in the blood for a few hours or one to two days after using it once. Those who use marijuana several times during the day can expect that it stays in their bloodstream for one week.
Another question is about the time period in which marijuana remains in saliva, and the answer is that it stays in saliva for one hour after using it and it can be detected in the next one or two days.
The frequency of using marijuana affects the time it remains in urine. If it is used once, THC by products stay in the urine for 5-8 days; if cannabis is used 2-4 days a week, then the period is 11-18 days; if cannabis is used 5-6 days a week, the period is 33-48 days, and if cannabis is used every day, then this byproducts can be found in the urine for 50-65 days. Other factors related to the individual also play their role here.
An interesting fact about the time period in which marijuana remains in the hair is that it is quite longer compared to other systems of the body. THC metabolites can be found in the hair 90 days after using it and that is why hair tests are used for proving that a person has used marijuana. Also, there are hair follicle tests which can prove that a person has used marijuana several years previously.
How Long Do Edibles Stay In Your System
Several aspects determine the period of time during which edibles remain in the system. People are usually concerned about the quantity of cannabis edibles that they are allowed to consume. Even though, numerous different edibles can be found, the dosage of around 10 milligrams of THC is considered to be the most adequate marijuana edible dosage for the majority of people.
It is very convenient to buy packages that contain 10 milligrams because it is very easy to manage the suitable dosage in a variety of situations. There are patients who have been using medical marijuana longer and have more experience than others and they usually consume greater doses than the approximate one.
Does CBD Show Up on Drug Tests?
The simple answer to this question is that while THC usually shows up on drug tests, CBD does not. Even though CBD cannot be detected on the common drug tests, positive results can be triggered by metabolized THC. There is usually 0.3% THC in full spectrum CBD products and this amount cannot create psychoactive effects. However, it can still show up on drug tests. If you want to have no THC in your body and you do not want to face the issue with the drug tests, you can choose from the variety of available THC-free and CBD isolate products.
If you consume more CBD, then the probability for THC detection on a drug test becomes higher. A positive result can appear if you ingest around 1,000 to 2,000mg, but this amount is far greater than the one which is suitable for daily usage.
If you need to take a drug test and you are worried about what it might show, feel free to ask the testing facility about the substances which are going to be tested. If you have recently used marijuana, you should know that using CBD might cause THC to remain longer in your body.
How Long Is CBD Detectable In Urine
All of the above-mentioned is regarding the period of time during which CBD stays in blood. On the other hand, there is not much evidence about the period of time of CBD remaining in urine. Several researchers from Pacific Toxicology Laboratories in Chatsworth, California, conducted a study in 2016 with a control group of 15 subjects. They gave them diverse kinds of products which contain CBD, such as capsules, oils, and high-CBD flower. Two hours after the group used the products, CBD and THC metabolites were detected at 14 out of 15 people. The study continued with one participant after the last day of CBD application and it was concluded that after 24 hours, CBD could not be detected in the urine.
It is significant to stress out that even though according to research CBD can most certainly be found in the body for a while, traces of THC and THC metabolites are what cannabis drug tests usually search for. That is why there is more detailed information about the period of time during which THC remains in the body than for CBD.
Since CBD is becoming more and more popular wellness supplement, more research definitely needs to be done in order to acquire more accurate answers about the period of time during which CBD remains both in the body and in the urine. Currently, there are no precise answers and processing cannabinoids mainly depends on the personal features. It is advisable to use THC free CBD products if you do not want to have any issues with drug tests.